Move particles from one object volume to another object volume?
Can anybody please help me with how to move particles from one birth object volume to another object volume?

I can move particles from one object surface to another. (but not to volume)

I'd also like to be able to slow the particles down to a stop when they land on the second object.-----do this in a natural looking slightly random way.

Also have the possibility of them moving onwards from this event to another object.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I've searched through here and the web and just can't find this.
It's hard to understand what you're trying to achieve...for simple volume-to-volume transitions you could just use a Position Object operator, with timing set to continuous, mode set to the volume mode of your choice, and interpolation set to a value of less than 1...
Hi Thanks for getting back to me.

Not sure I understand what you mean about the interpolation.

At the moment I simply want to be able to transfer birthed particles from one object's volume to another object's volume not just to another object's surface.

I presently have a set up that involves a time test and then find target, and particle physics.----But this still places the particles on the second objects surface-----not across it's volume.

Then i want to be able to control the ease in/ ease out etc of the particles.
Is there recently added interpolation for Position Object operator?
I don't see it, although, I am still on old 012 versions because of projects.

Check out the attachment.
I didn't do it exactly as Tyson said, because I don't have interpolation in position object operator, but I did it very very similarly, and it should be easy to follow (if not, ask what is not unclear).
I renamed events, so it's clear what's going on.
In the last event there's a custom properties operator, and there you can set a speed (by frame duration) of your particles, and there's also a curve for easy-in-out.

Attached Files
.max   Vol_to_vol.max (Size: 736 KB / Downloads: 124)
(07-18-2023, 08:07 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: @Tyson
Is there recently added interpolation for Position Object operator?
I don't see it, although, I am still on old 012 versions because of projects.

Check out the attachment.
I didn't do it exactly as Tyson said, because I don't have interpolation in position object operator, but I did it very very similarly, and it should be easy to follow (if not, ask what is not unclear).
I renamed events, so it's clear what's going on.
In the last event there's a custom properties operator, and there you can set a speed (by frame duration) of your particles, and there's also a curve for easy-in-out.

Thanks very much  for this.

I'll check this out and get back to you.

Thank you.
(07-18-2023, 08:07 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: @Tyson
Is there recently added interpolation for Position Object operator?
I don't see it, although, I am still on old 012 versions because of projects.

Oh weird, I thought I added interpolation to the Position Object operator...guess not. I'll add it to the next build.

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