tyCache/Redshift - Frame 0 Bug
We found a tycache/Redshift issue that causes Frame 0 of a tyCache to not render, so reporting it here and on the RS forums.
Video example: tyCache/RS Issue

It seems to happen if RS Motion Blur is enabled, or Motion Vectors are existing in the Render Elements.

One workaround I also found was enabling the Timing>Clamp Frame Range in tyCache.

Haven't looked at the file but I'm guessing it's due to the motion blur interval for frame 0 starting at a negative frame (might be something like -0.5 to 0.5 if your shutter duration is a whole frame and the motion blur interval is centered). If your particle doesn't exist at frame -0.5, then no motion blur interval can be calculated for it and the particle is not rendered. Your workaround would solve that, so it should be treated as the best solution (clamping the time means particles/meshes/caches won't disappear at frames prior to the start of the cache).
That makes sense, ok thank you!

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