Motion Blur / Redshift - TyMesher Slow Down
I have a rain simulation that I need motion blur on. The only way I know how to get motion blur for the rain simulation for Max / Redshift is to export the TyFlow as TyCache with velocity, and then TyMesh the TyCache to get the blobmesh and motion blur on the particles at render time.

The problem is that TyMesh on million of polys takes a long time to load and unload and I need this process to go faster. If I could export to alembic, I would, but this does not support motion blur in Redshift, AFAIK.

Is there a workaround?
Why not just render as instances? Redshift supports moblur for instances...
(08-28-2023, 04:33 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Why not just render as instances? Redshift supports moblur for instances...

I'm happy to do that, but I need to use TyMesh to convert the TyFlow into a blobmesh - to get the irregular, globular shapes to the rain drops.

Is it possible to do both?

I know this sounds ultra stupid, but is there a way to put the TyMesher into the TyFlow, or do you need VDB for that?

Right now the TyFLow is generating these low res geospheres, and I am applying a TyMesher to the Tyflow of these low res geospheres to get the fluid shape during splash events on collision, etc.

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Looks like I can just render the mesh as instances in the TyFlow object and then pass the TyFlow into a TyMesher as before and the motion blur works just fine - and we get the blobmesh from TyMesher, it also loads many times faster.
Despite having read this thread and other threads, I'm still not nearer to getting motion blur with Tyflow, in 3DS Max with Redshift.
Its probably a minor thing, that one radio button I haven't set.
I have tried it with a simple flow, attached here, in the hope someone could make it work. I guess it's dead simple once you know  Rolleyes

All the best!

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.max   tyflow-mblur.max (Size: 732 KB / Downloads: 71)
Well, you're not actually rendering the particles. You're rendering a tyMesher which imports the particles - as a giant single mesh, not instances. That's why you're not getting motion blur.

Remove the tyMesher and enable the particle interface on the flow (it's disabled in your file) and you'll get both particles and motion blur.

Are you using the tyMesher for a specific purpose? That part is unclear...
Just tried that, still no motion blur with Reshift, no matter what. Having the mesh operator to either "TriMesh" or "Instances" makes no difference.

Using TyMesher was just an act of desperation, I saw another poster using that with luck.

Now I just tried it with Vray, that works! so it's got something to do with Redshift, just updated to 3.5.24, no change for the better. Some setting in Redshift is making all the difference. And Redshift is able to render mblur on other animated objects, just tested that again also.
This is my experience:

1) I open your file with Max 2024, tyFlow v1.106, RS 3.5.21
2) Delete the tyMesher
3) Unhide the tyFlow
4) Enable particle interface on the tyFlow
5) Move to frame 70
6) Render

Attached is the alpha channel of the result.

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