Export VDB is extremely slow
why is export VDB extremely slow.......I have around 90MB each frame, but it takes around 2-2.5 minute for simulation to process one frame if export VDB is on....if I remove exporet VDB, it processes it in 30-40 seconds....

90MB is not that high data size to take so much time
Hard to guess without more info. What's the tyProfiler say?
its takes 43 seconds to write 95MB of data......Its storing in M2 drive, but the writing speed is quite low....    
Can you try temporarily writing to a different drive? Just to rule out that variable...
I tried to save on SATA drive, it is very very slow     
I tried a 100mb VDB over here and it took 4.5 seconds to write to a slow external drive.

Maybe you have a rogue firewall or something interrupting the disk access?

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