Particle Flow Loop
Hi maybe someone can help... I´am new to Tyflow and I try to create some looping particles. After 3 Days of youtube learning I am totally stuck. 

Problem: The particles need to loop within the camera view. The animation is about 400frames and at the last 50 frames, all particles should move from frame 350 - 400 to the position of the particles from frame 0 - to create a nerverending loop! If you check my testfile, it is easier to understand. Scene is made in 2024.2.

If anyone has any idea, of a solution send me your adress and I send you a beer! :-) I attached the scenefile to this posting.

Kindly Roger  Smile

Attached Files
.max   particle_loop_test01_2021.max (Size: 840 KB / Downloads: 121)
You should be able to do it with 2 Custom properties operators.
First one to save initial particles position, and the second one, to load that position, and force particles to go there.

I couldn't open your 3DS Max scene because I am on Max 2022 (tip: always save scenes to lowest version possible, if you need help, so more people can open it).

Here's the quick simple scene, where I used Custom properties to force particles to go to initial position.

Attached Files
.max   Custom_properties_Loop.max (Size: 768 KB / Downloads: 149)
Yes, you are right, sorry I updated the scene to V2021. I had an array modifier previously, that's why I saved it in V2024. Thank you for your scene - I had that in mind with my attempt, but all the particles where moving backwards to their saved world position. I need them to move from current particles to saved position in a forward movement. You understand if you check my scene.


Ummm.. I see.. .
This is much more trickier...

Currently, I have no idea how to achieve it, if I get some idea, I will post here.

Hopefully someone else have some ideas.
(11-22-2023, 03:48 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Ummm.. I see.. .
This is much more trickier...

Currently, I have no idea how to achieve it, if I get some idea, I will post here.

Hopefully someone else have some ideas.

Thanks anyway...!

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