Camera Cull Frustum + Distance together for export to tyCache
I have a pretty simple particles setup where I have a camera moving through the volume of plankton particles. I have a big volume for particles but I use two Camera Cull operators - one in Frustum cull mode, another in Distance cull mode. I wish I had to activate them both in one operator but since only one mode could be selected I use two Camera Cull operators for both modes. Everything works fine as intended in viewport and render but when I try to export particles to tyCache only first in order Camera Cull operator works for export, second Camera Cull doesn't make any effect for exported particles.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention...I can repro the issue and will get it fixed for the next build.
(12-11-2023, 04:57 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Thanks for bringing this to my attention...I can repro the issue and will get it fixed for the next build.

Great! Thank you!

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