settings vs timestep
an example: 

modify bindings/cloth/inflation force.. 

its in scene units.    a setting of 5mm at 1/4 timestep gives a completely different result to 5mm at 1/8 timestep.   

given we normally do tests at a longer timestep, and reduce it  when necessary during the project, this is quite annoying! 

i assume its 5mm *per step*   which means, 1/8 will require a setting of 2.5mm  to be equivalent? 

if it works like this, can we have a tickbox which links settings to timestep and automatically changes all relevant settings to get similar result at different timesteps? 

The bind solver is 100% dependent on time step. It's the nature of how mass-spring PB cloth solvers work.

Your only option, is to enable "constrained" mode for your bindings. This introduces an algorithm that attempts to make stiffness somewhat independent of timestep, for stiffness values < 1. it's mostly ideal for really stretchy cloth.

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