Multifracture Material ID
Am not sure if I requested this earlier, sorry if Iam repeating myself. 
I think it will be useful to have the option to not overwrite cap material ID in Multifracture operator since the input mesh could have multiple Matl ID per element much like the old Voronoi Fracture operator.  

I'm not sure what you mean...the "cap" part of a fracture will always belong to the fracture mesh...and all Multifracture fracture meshes are procedurally generated and not something that the user specifies directly (ie, it'll never have pre-existing material IDs because Multifracture generates it internally)...unless I'm missing something?
I am sorry if I wasn't clear, here is an image of using the old Voronoi operator and the new multifracture.

if I input a multiple material ID/element mesh into multifracture operator it overwrites the element original material ID for its cap, where in Voronoi it uses the element mtl id for its cap which is useful for example a multi mtl id element house with tiles mesh input. 

also, the Voronoi operator doesn't explode/fracture each portion elements. it will be helpful in some cases to have this option in multifracture as well as it is now explodes elements by default. for example if I wanted to cut a Physx car in half with prism each cut/portion elements will explode right away.

I already separated elements by property tests and merge them with element attach and it works like a charm, but it would be cleaner and easier to have these options in multifracture.

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Quote:Voronoi it uses the element mtl id for its cap which is useful for example a multi mtl id element house with tiles mesh input.

The difference is that there's no capping occurring in Multifracture. Multifracture performs full CSG there's no easy way to source a material ID from nearby non-cap faces when there's no guarantee that any given "cap" face will even have an adjacent non-cap face. In Voronoi Fracture on the other hand, all cap faces are adjacent to non-cap faces so it's easy to source a material ID from them when the override option is off.

Quote:The Voronoi operator doesn't explode/fracture each portion elements. it will be helpful in some cases to have this option in multifracture as well as it is now explodes elements by default. for example if I wanted to cut a Physx car in half with prism each cut/portion elements will explode right away.

I'd need to see the scene file to understand what's going on here (seems potentially caused by your Scale operator?...if not, then it's a bug). If you post the file where this is happening I can take a look.
Thank you for the clarification!

for the second part, I think I was not clear again, sorry for that.

here a scene to explain my request, basically the old Voronoi fracture does not explode the cutout portion elements. which is useful in some cases.
if possible, I wish this option to be included in multifracture operator too. 


Attached Files
.max   Mutifracture element explode.max (Size: 712 KB / Downloads: 101)

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