Scale by proximity
In the Scale operator > Proximity section, is it possible to get something like 'divide by proximity'? It would sit alongside the existing 'multiply' option, so that it's easier to scale down particles for example?

I noticed that proximity section is also linked to the operator's timing mode, which makes sense - but I'd like the option to control the proximity timing independently to the rest of the operator somehow? Sorry if I'm missing something.

Thanks, Max
I don't really understand what you're asking for...but you can click the "invert" button to invert the effect of proximity multiplication...
Thanks Tyson. Sorry I think my request was premature, amidst the pressure of a deadline. Smile

I have revisited the proximity and invert features again and understood them better since.
I was struggling to blend multiple Scale operators (with different timing modes) together correctly but think I get it now.

Thank you anyway!

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