Subdivide + tyParticleSkin crash
Hey Tyson!

Think I've found a bug. If I apply a tyParticleSkin modifier to any object that has a Subdivide modifier below, max will crash.

Steps to recreate:

1. Create a primitive (box, sphere...etc.)
2. Apply a Subdivide modifier
3. Apply a tyParticleSkin modifier

I'm using 3ds Max 2023 and the latest version of tyFlow (1.110)
Hmm...very strange. I can repro here but the crash dump shows the issue happening in Max's node update code, not anywhere within tyFlow itself. I think this is something the Max devs would have to look further doubt tyFlow is somehow triggering the crash, but I have no clues as to how/where...
That is frustrating! No worries though, I can collapse and work around it for now. Thanks for looking into it!

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