Actor start a new animation right after another one is finished
I am kind of stuck on a setup with tyactor
I have a character with 2 loop (walk, stop walking)
I would like the actor do the walking loop 5 times then at the last frame of the last walking loop it is send to another event andĀ starts the stopping animation.
Any tutorialĀ or easy setup to do that available?

Thank you
You can use a Property Test operator to test how far along an actor animation is, and switch after it reaches a certain frame. So if you have a 100 frame animation and want it to loop 5 times, you'd use a Property Test to send the particle to the next event when the animation frame value is >= 500 for a particular particle.
(06-11-2024, 05:53 PM)tyFlow Wrote: You can use a Property Test operator to test how far along an actor animation is, and switch after it reaches a certain frame. So if you have a 100 frame animation and want it to loop 5 times, you'd use a Property Test to send the particle to the next event when the animation frame value is >= 500 for a particular particle.

Great !! thank you so much for the informations. It works Smile

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