Birth Object Animated mesh creates mesh at each keyframe

If anybody could let me know what I'm doing wrong.

I have a birth object, the object is an animated trainer with skinned deformations. 

The birth object creates an mesh of the trainer at each key frame (see screen shot)

I have tried adding the trainer to the birth object in 2 different ways, picking the trainer mesh and also as a ty actor.  In both the same happens.

I've currently set the flow to delete the previous meshes, but the flow later moves into a fracture and wind event and the delete seems to mess up here.

Really appreciate it if you could point out what I'm doing wrong or any work arounds.


Don't use birth object for animated objects (unless they just use pos/rot/scale animation).
Just use regular birth, and use shape or actor (and actor animation) operators, and use animation options in these operators.

Shape is much faster, because it won't import whole rigg, just an mesh and animation of the mesh.
(07-04-2024, 10:58 AM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Don't use birth object for animated objects (unless they just use pos/rot/scale animation).
Just use regular birth, and use shape or actor (and actor animation) operators, and use animation options in these operators.

Shape is much faster, because it won't import whole rigg, just an mesh and animation of the mesh.

Thank you!  Works perfectly now.

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