Slow update with phoenix fd fluid force? (solved)

I am trying to have my particles follow my phoenix fd grid in the same way as the old pflow fumefx follow operator worked. Im currently using the fluid force object and it appears to be working however i have encountered a strange issue. For some reason my view port only updates the particles position every 15 frames. Is there some way to make it update every frame? I have looked through all the settings i am aware of but i cant seem to find anything that would cause this.

My ultimate goal is to partition the particles so i can have several hundred million. What would be the best way to go about this, by somehow loading the phoenix particles and changing their position seed or spawning tyflow particles and moving them with the phoenix forces?


EDIT: I figured it out. I had neglected to tick the export velocities channel inside phoenix fd! Still learning the interface for this plugin. (im used to ffx). Smile
Glad you solved it!

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