Hello, i have a collision problem of two types of particles. I try to blend them in a container.
I tried everything, but they intersecting. The collision between the different types of particles does not work well. Anyone has an idea?
In the Particle Physics operator, on the bottom you have option "draw collision shapes".
Turn that on, then tweak multiplier option, until they match your spheres in radius.
When you are done, turn it off (because it can slow the viewport)
Depends on their speed.
If they feel at high speed because of gravity, then calculating each frame won't be enough for proper collision.
That being said, select TyFlow object icon, go to modify panel, and under settings, set time step to 1/2, or 1/4... per frame... the lower you go.. the slower will sim be.
The only way I can see would be to create Tycache of the particles, but you can only do that with Pro version.
You can try and export alembic, then import it back and render.