Is there a way to smooth out the Path Deform Conveyor Belt?
Is there a way to smooth out the particles created when animating particles based off a Path Deform object? Just like the anomalies created in the "tyflow_conveyorBelt" sample file (see screenshot).

I'm trying to recreate this, but the bumpiness of the belt particles makes my conveyed particles (soda cans) not stand straight...

I appreciate any help!



Hi Stusic, did you ever work out a work around to this? I've had this same problem and the only way to can improve it is by making the poly elements during fracture as even as possible. Unfortunately it means adding more subdivides, but at least it doesn't pull apart as much. I would really love a better solution to this.

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Maybe use this method instead?

.max   tyFlow_conveyorBelt_001.max (Size: 724 KB / Downloads: 10)
Hi GreenDK,

This is the same method that I'm using. As you can see from the screengrab, even base mesh in this scene pulls apart. In the past I would have started with a evenly divided cylinder so all polygons are squares throughout the mesh. I would then make this into a cloth system to follow the path of the conveyor before fracturing the mesh. Key is to have even polygons throughout but even then it pulls apart.

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