Particle > Particle Boolean (VDB)
Hey Tyson, really liking the new Particle Boolean, especially particle to particle so thanks for that.

Just wondering why boolean doesn't seem to work with VDB sphere packed particles? Video attached.

Thank you.

Attached Files
.mp4   prtbool.mp4 (Size: 3.79 MB / Downloads: 55)
Seems like an event order issue. The VDB particles are born after the Boolean operator has already done its thing.

Click an event to adjust its priority...make sure all VDB events evaluate before the Boolean event.
I tried that already and it didn't change anything. Sad

The event order works fine for the dumb particles, just not for VDB packed particles.
Post the file then please.
(08-23-2024, 11:26 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Post the file then please.

thank you, attached
You have to adjust the priority until the evaluation order actually changes. Your "SpherePacked" event is still being evaluated last. Increase your Boolean operator priority value until it's evaluated last.

Editor > right-click > Display > Display event evaluation order.
Amazing, it works!
Thank you for the quick response.

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