paint particles
Hello. I can't figure out how to achieve a certain effect. I understand how to do it in "particle flow" and even more clearly in "thinking particles", but it is more difficult for me to understand the logic of "tyflow". Namely, how to paint the surface with particles (for example, the effect of getting wet from rain) and, secondly, how to paint the particles themselves from a raster image from the surface (mosaic effect). Is it difficult to do? Sorry about my poor English.

In "thinking particles" this is done clearly and simply. That is, both effects - you can paint particles born on the plane with the material applied to the plane. And you can also activate a mask on the object's material with a stream of particles when a particle approaches (or collides) with the object. The adipose of the spot in the mask from the flying particle is adjusted and so you can, for example, depict wetting from splashes (you can adjust the duration of the effect and the softness or hardness of the input and output).
I doubt all this can't  be done in tyflow, but I would like more information.
The Birth Paint operator can be used to paint particles on a surface.

I'm not sure what you mean by mosaic effect though.
(09-10-2024, 01:22 PM)tyFlow Wrote: The Birth Paint operator can be used to paint particles on a surface.

I'm not sure what you mean by mosaic effect though.

Thanks for the response. I will add pictures with a more detailed explanation of the desired effect a little later.
Now I will illustrate the two effects I mentioned above.
1. The particle takes color information from the material applied to the plane.


2. Particles passing through an object in the scene color it, that is, each particle activates a special mask in the material of this object, at the point of contact. If these are, for example, rain particles, then each raindrop can leave a trace on the surface, for example, change the gloss or color map at the point of contact, etc.


1)You open a scene with a plane that have material like in the reference.
Create Tyflow.
Birth particles any way you want and position them on the plane (birth voxels, or birth + position object), any way you want
Add mapping operator, and reference your plane (tyflow will now use UVW from the plane for particles)... note there's 2  options in mapping operator... one is for making particles just a single color .. and the other will actually project exact texture.
Add shape operator.. choose whatever particles you want (teapots are always awesome Smile )

Apply that very same material to TyFlow object.

Add mesh operator so you can see them in render.

2) Well, for particle making material change.. all I can think of is vray "distance map"... not sure about RedShift or other renders...
So you can create your RAIN particles, turn them to real mesh by adding mesh operator and disabling "render only".
Then just add TyFlow to your material ( I mean to distance map), and it should change plane material whenever particles touch it.

Personally, I have used that method very rarely. Usually, I create a black white mask with paticles.. render it quickly with vray or scanline, and then in post (after effects), I use it as a pass to control such stuff.

There is also option to trigger video on material with tyFlow particles, and from what I remember it work pretty similarly as PFlow (or even easier), you just need to use TyBitmap map, instead of Bitmap in order to work.

Tyson, or somebody else might give you additional advice on this.
(09-10-2024, 06:26 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: . . .

Thanks for the answers.

Regarding the second effect, I will try different options from those listed, although I don't see right away how to achieve the same controllability, so that the trace from each particle appears with a delay and does not disappear immediately after contact, but it is possible to regulate the duration of the dye. However, I will look at the options, perhaps this can be done too. Thanks again. This is how it is done in "thinking particles" and this is what I mean

And the first effect (No. 1) turns out to be very easy to do, literally the default setting Smile . Somehow I couldn't do it before, probably forgot to attach the material or select the reference.
(09-10-2024, 07:14 PM)RomanB Wrote: Regarding the second effect, I will try different options from those listed, although I don't see right away how to achieve the same controllability, so that the trace from each particle appears with a delay and does not disappear immediately after contact, but it is possible to regulate the duration of the dye. However, I will look at the options, perhaps this can be done too. Thanks again. This is how it is done in "thinking particles" and this is what I mean

Ahh... something like that.. 
Then I'd advise you to look in Tyselect modifier... it's so amazing... 
You see.. I've been in love with 3DS Max Volume Select operator, and my main complaint of it is, it was too slow.
After I tried TySelect modifier, and realized it can work 100 times faster, and have billion more options to it, I forgot my old love. 

I remember... something like  10 years a go,  I had to do Santa Claus walking on the snow... and I used Volume select to select his legs, and push the snow down (all using modifiers), but when he raised up the leg, the snow mesh immediately raise above (which is logical). 
So I had to purchase, or download plugin or script which that will add "additive selection" - meaning, the selection will stay when Santa raises his legs. 
Now we all have that in Tyselect operator. 

Your case.. 
Just drop bunch of particles on the plane (like in your video), add ty select to your plane (that should have many polygons), choose mesh, and pick up TyFlow... bellow you have option for additive selecting. 

If you still want that selection is recognized within material, then all I can tell you as I told you before - use vray distance mat. 

If you think Thinking particles have some solution that TyFlow don't have yet, then that's great. If you know (or assume)  how it's done internally in TP, please share it, and i am sure Tyson will implement it. 

Btw.. I am really glad we solved the 1st problem. Smile

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