Rotate and Move Cached Objects
Hey  Blush

I´m quite new to tyFlow. I wonder what´s the correct way to rotate a cached simulation.

This is my setup. I have pills that I let drop in a jar. That´s the first Event. That worked well! 

Now I´d like to rotate and reposition the jar so that it lies flat on that cube and have those pills partly fall out of the jar with a second sim. 

However, I can´t figure out how to do that... I can´t rotate the pills from the first sim... (The "Rotation" operator in the "Event_003" does nothing. That was just me trying a bit.)

Can someone please tell me how to properly do this?

In the "Export Particles (tyCache)" of the first event I set the Coordinates to "World". I guess that´s correct? 

Thanks a lot in advance!  Heart

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Just cashe it like you already did.
You don't need birth flow... leave TyFlow system.

Just grab your Tycache object, and in the modify panel click on local, and it should work with no problem.
(09-13-2024, 01:07 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Just cashe it like you already did.
You don't need birth flow... leave TyFlow system.

Just grab your Tycache object, and in the modify panel click on local, and it should work with no problem.

Thanks a lot! That worked!

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