The 'Set Target' operator adds a connection between custom particle IDs.
It would be great if the "Set Target" could add a relationship setting between a certain ID, such as "0-10, 15-16,18-20". This custom ID setting would be great. What do you think?
Sorry, I don't understand...
Particle target connection as shown in the figure:
Particles: 1-5, 9-11, 15-16, target connections have been made between these particles.
What I mean is: Can the 'Target' operator add an option to connect custom numbered particles as targets.

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I don't see how I could implement that in a generalized way that would make sense to users. This would seem like something more suited for the Script operator.
I don't understand development, could it be troublesome? I don't know about development. The UI arrangement for keyframe inclusion and exclusion is very good.

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