Add to custom properties
I'd like to add a value to a custom property and I can't figure it out.

I have 3 events A, B and C.

Event A has a custom property called 'hit' set to 1.

Event B has the custom property 'hit' set to current value, and a collision operator that sends out to event C.

In event C I want to add 1 to 'hit' and then it loops back around the event B.

Is it possible in event C to just add 1 every time the collision happens? This is where I'm stuck.

You can use the "increment custom float" option in any testable operator's Test rollout. Or a Script operator for more control.
Thank you for the reply. I don't know why but I'm struggling to see where it is. Could you potentially upload a screen grab of where it's at please. Sorry for being blind!
(5 hours ago) Wrote: Thank you for the reply. I don't know why but I'm struggling to see where it is. Could you potentially upload a screen grab of where it's at please. Sorry for being blind!

Sorry i was being blind...found it!!!

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