Which trick to not let particles change position (wander) with noise?

often I need random movements, wanting to just leave all particles at the same spot.

I was trying today to animate and/or combine different noise settings, but often there is a visible artificial movement pattern.

Maybe someone can point me in the right direction which is the recommended method (as there are many possible attributes and it's still abstract to me how the noise affects movement in space).

(10-08-2024, 10:22 AM)Alexx31 Wrote: Hello,

often I need random movements, wanting to just leave all particles at the same spot.

The very first sentence makes me confused. 
You want random movements of the particles, yet they should remain totally still (on the same spot)? 

(the bellow text is not meant to you, because I assume you already know it.. it's meant for people that don't know it, and I had a fun (semi drunk) writing it.
Noise is - what it is - a 3D procedural that it have it's own rules of how it's changing it's patterns according to how it's programmed. 
It's limited.. yet it's usage (to this day) is unlimited. 
It was originally used to create textures... then... when people realized it's not enough to have brown, and light brown, to create realistic ground material, it was used as a mix map between 2 textures (and still used today). 

As for particles, it is used (because it's a 3D procedural map) to make interesting patterns.... motion was cool. 
But then again - it has it's own limits... it's not like the most organic motion ever (sooner or later, human eye can perceive similarity between different noise animations). 
Worth mentioning that there is a like standard, like original noise.. with most basic options (yet.. pretty powerful). 
But there is better, more advanced version of noise algorithm, with Bercon Maps plugin for 3DS Max... used only for texturing. 
Particle Flow (and 3DS Max standard Wind) uses just basic Noise. 
TyFlow started with using just basic Noise, but at some point it updated to start using Noise like Bercon (or even more advanced). 

But it's still noise! Smile 

You can achieve very interesting particle motions with it... I've seen people do incredible stuff with it (back in the days) 
but usually... these days.. movies productions.. or whoever... they just simulate smoke (with fluid sims), and just make particles out of smoke. 
It's a way to avoid noise patterns.. motion in these (noise) patterns... they just wanna skip it. Smile

It's ok... but still... 

I still see patterns. Smile
Thank you, I need them to move, but when I'm using for example a strong perlin noise you can see them moving like on a path, I can see a certain particle moving as if driving on a street from one spot to another: they are reproducing the noise pattern.

This is normally not what you want to achieve when adding noise. The aim with noise is, letting movements look random.
And I can often only add very little noise before this "pattern movement" is happening.
Of course they should move but not as if using a kind of random "path follow".
ahh.. that... Smile
just raise the frequency parameter, and it will change "paths patterns" over time.

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