SubFrame Ticks breaks motion blur
If I create a standard preset icon flow and change the tyflow simulation interval to 1/2 frame or 1/4 frame motion blur stops motion blurring in Vray 7/3ds Max 2025.  Is there something special I need to enable to keep motion blur with sub-frame intervals?

Ok, to make it extra super weird. My scene starts at frame 100. And my birth icon starts at frame 100. But if I set the birth start to 0 it renders with motion blur. If I set it back to 100 it renders correctly. If I set it to 125. It stops rendering. And if I set it back to 100 again it stops rendering motion blur. If I set birth to start 0 it renders correctly again. And then I can set it 125 as the start and it renders correctly. This seems to be some sort of bug related to birth start frame? Or it's just a coincidence.

Also changing to 1/4 second with the original birth scene and then changing time scale to 0.25 would sometimes work.

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