Particle Water simulation
Does anyone have a good tyFlow water simulation setup they want to share?

I made one and some things look decent, but there is several problems.
  • Initial water dropping from above does not look like water.
  • "water" dropping from ball does not look good either.
  • The ground flow looks ok, but the small droplet part flowing does not.

This is just me playing around. Not very important.
Just me being curious about what is possible Smile

Video and scene file attached.


Attached Files
.zip   Waterball (Size: 9.07 MB / Downloads: 24)
.max   Waterball.max (Size: 740 KB / Downloads: 30)
I think you basically did a great job so far
Sure, you can improve on it, and get some really really nice results...
But the setup can be really long, for something that fluid sim can do with setup of 1 minute.

Don't get me wrong... I am not a fan of fluid sims... most of the time I get bored working with them... I think they are unpredictable.. hard to control... and time consuming... but making their alternative with particle systems, and try to fake some of the fluid movements, can be really tricky, and can cost a lot of effort to set up.

Looking a your simulation again.. all I can say.. great job...
The things I would try to improve:
1) Grab TyFlow object, go to modify panel, and set timestep to 1/2. 1/4, or even lower.. that will get you read of these repeating patterns (but be aware, it will affect the whole sim overall)
2) I would reduce friction on collision sphere... I think they go to slow, when they hit the sphere... they are more like honey then water at that point.. reducing friction should solve it.
3) While they travel on sphere surface.. why not give them some (even very slight) noise in movement?
You can do it by adding some noise in your force op... but wait.. I am sure they will go all over the place, and not stick to the surface (so you will need to add object bind operator(set to surface, and friction to zero), but then they would be stuck the the sphere, so you need some trigger (test operator), to send them to fall down from sphere to ground (I suggest surface test op)...
You see now when I say it easy get complicated? Smile
Just by trying to make some variation of travel on surface, you will need some new operators and whole new third event.

But try something of above, if you want.. and if you're stuck... share it... and I will try to help with best of my knowledge. 
And hopefully more smart people then me will give some advice.
(01-08-2025, 05:30 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: I think you basically did a great job so far
Sure, you can improve on it, and get some really really nice results...
But the setup can be really long, for something that fluid sim can do with setup of 1 minute.

Don't get me wrong... I am not a fan of fluid sims... most of the time I get bored working with them... I think they are unpredictable.. hard to control... and time consuming... but making their alternative with particle systems, and try to fake some of the fluid movements, can be really tricky, and can cost a lot of effort to set up.

Looking a your simulation again.. all I can say.. great job...
The things I would try to improve:
1) Grab TyFlow object, go to modify panel, and set timestep to 1/2. 1/4, or even lower.. that will get you read of these repeating patterns (but be aware, it will affect the whole sim overall)
2) I would reduce friction on collision sphere... I think they go to slow, when they hit the sphere... they are more like honey then water at that point.. reducing friction should solve it.
3) While they travel on sphere surface.. why not give them some (even very slight) noise in movement?
You can do it by adding some noise in your force op... but wait.. I am sure they will go all over the place, and not stick to the surface (so you will need to add object bind operator(set to surface, and friction to zero), but then they would be stuck the the sphere, so you need some trigger (test operator), to send them to fall down from sphere to ground (I suggest surface test op)...
You see now when I say it easy get complicated? Smile
Just by trying to make some variation of travel on surface, you will need some new operators and whole new third event.

But try something of above, if you want.. and if you're stuck... share it... and I will try to help with best of my knowledge. 
And hopefully more smart people then me will give some advice.

Great advice. Thx.
I will try thoose steps Smile

I only have the built in 3DS Max "Fluids" and it works ok-ish.
Mostly I am just curious about what you can achieve with tyFlow only.
To see what others have done.
Well.... you can go very crazy if you want and have some time to experiment. Smile

There was one guy that did amazing sims only using Particle Flow (that is horrible in comparison with TyFlow).
His name is Igor Tsyba, and here is his tests:
Imagine what this guy would be able to do with TyFlow. Smile
As for the TyFlow, there's Jabuar3D, that did some interesting tests with TyFlow water only.
Here is his channel:

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