Wobble multiple levels
Right now, wobble works something like flex, so we have bottom, and top (that is moving). 
Would it be possible to update wobble to have, for example 4 levels? 
(bottom to be still, first level affected (by force) 25%, second affected 50%, and so on...)

That way, we could have much more natural bending. 
Something like bend modifier.
For more complex joint setups like this, it makes more sense to use PhysX bindings than wobble.
Hey Ty  Cool

I've managed to pull something with cloth bind. 
Look at this ugly render test:

So, now the planes behave much more naturally (bending), then it would be with wobble, that only have bottom and top. 
I have 2 problems though: 
1) No matter of my collision settings with the sphere (friction, and bounce), some of the cloth vertex's get stuck on the sphere. 
I just want them to slide. 
2) If my collision sphere touches the bottom vertex's (that should be in the other event (not affected by the cloth, or collisions), they are actually still affected, and behave strangely. 
Here is my flow: 

What I actually want to achieve? 

Well, there is a cool workflow in 3DS Max (I am sure you are aware of it). 
For example, if you wanted wheat field animated with wind (and proper collisions), you basically make thin planes (with 5-10 segments of height), the run a cloth simulation (wind blowing up, with locked bottom vertecies of the planes), and after you done sim, you just skinwrap the hi poly wheat models, to the thin planes cloth sim. 

That brings me to another question: 
3) Is tyflow capable of, for example I have 2 flows, and one is cloth sim with simple meshes, the other (with hi poly meshes) is skinwrapped to first by vertex or poly level? 
Well :Smile Now just crossed my mind that I can treat Tyflow as  every regular object. Maybe if I just add a skinwrap to the tyflow, and pick the first flow, it will work. Gotta try it.
Set your Surface Test timing to "on event entry" or else it will continually deactivate particles over time. Increase the radius setting of your collider to help prevent stuck verts.

You can SkinWrap the flow, sure...but it's probably easier to setup your wheat as a tyActor mesh skinned with a couple of bones, turn those bones to PhysX rigidbodies with bindings between them and a binding to the ground, and then blow them around.
Wow, thanks for the quick reply. I never actually tried Ty actors before, so now is the good time to learn it. Smile
How do I actually bind actor first bone to surface with Physics? 

I created actor (wheat mesh skinned with couple of bones), I created Tyflow and distributed it on the ground mesh, applied physics, and everything works great. 
However, I can't actually manage to stick the first bone on the ground, and the rest to be driven with physics. 
I even look at the balloon sample, but couldn't recreate it.  Confused

I've tried property test, object bind, surface test... 

Thanks in advance.
PhysX Bind -> Collider. Then make sure the object is in a PhysX Collision operator above the PhysX Bind operator.
Still no luck... actually, luck has nothing to do with it, but my poor understanding. 

It Ok if I wanted for wheat to fall on the plane-ground, works great. 
I basically want to disable default Physics gravity.. I don't need it... and just want to stick bottom of the actor bone, and introduce wind blowing upwards (and side a little), with a turbulence. 
When I place wind force, every wheat just flies up. 

Collisions, and everything else with Physics is no problem... it's sticking the actor bottom part to the ground. 
Not point bind in the PhysX Bind settings....proximity bind.
Finally I had some free time to play with this. 
I think I have now much better understanding of whole process, and PhysX Bind. 
Thanks Tyson :Smile


Now, I have a few problems. 

1), when I place force operator (here I used just some ty wind force), it seems that is affecting particles (actors), very differently. Some are unaffected, some are slightly affected, and some are slightly affected, and some are too much affected. 
Any idea how I can fix that? 

2) I've tried playing with spring and damping options in the PhysX bind operator, but still, the wheat is too stiff. It reacts like stiff wire, not like wheat. 
Any ideas how to fix that? 

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