More Efficient Method Than Export Objs?
In a nutshell, I'm wondering if any one knows how I can achieve "Position from Shape Volume". I've attached an image that put this into context.

Tyson had suggested using voxels from shapes, however the process is very intensive and placing voxel size anywhere close to what I need crashes or freezes the program.

The current method I've been using allows me to achieve the look I'm after, but makes iterations laborious. My current setup is to create my general particles as a basic flow with shape as geometry (set to chunks). I then use a distance test which tests distance from the camera and sends close particles to a new event. The new event exports these particles to objs within the scene. Another event--separate from my other flows--uses the objs within a Position Object node to populate the chunks with a large amount of 2d snowflake particles.

The effect is exactly what I'm looking to achieve, but as mentioned, is a massive pain to tweak due to having to export objs and update the links to the final Event.

I've attached a screenshot of my flow setup as well as a video demonstrating the effect it produces. I would appreciate if anybody has any ideas to streamline this process.

.mov (Size: 3.72 MB / Downloads: 253)

EDIT: I revisited using Spawn Voxels after downloading the latest update. While I no longer experienced crashes/freezing, I could not achieve the same speed and precision as I'm able to with the above technique. I think it might be a useful feature addition to add a "Parent Shape Volume" under the Position rollout in the Spawn node.

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