tyFlow_10055 Crash when changing noise type
tyFlow_10055 Crash when changing noise type in Force OP

Load attached scene file. QT_Bug_Noise_01.max
Open Force Op
Move to frame 50 to build splines
Change noise type to Cellular distance, then change noise type to Cellular Value
Result: crash

Attached Files
.max   QT_Bug_Noise_01.max (Size: 688 KB / Downloads: 206)
Thanks Andy!
Hmm, followed your instructions in Max 2023...no crash. Tried changing the noise about 20 times to all the different modes without an issue.

Could you attach the minidump?
here is minidump

Attached Files
.dmp   3dsmax_minidump.dmp (Size: 5.71 MB / Downloads: 182)
Interesting, I think I see what's happening, and why it's not happening on my machine (it's related to SIMD support on your CPU).

I'll see what I can do to mitigate this...
I've updated the v1.0055 download zip to include a new build of tyFlow_2022.dlo that lowers the max SIMD level to exclude AVX512, which seemed to be what was causing your issue....

Can you try redownloading and see what happens?
(07-12-2022, 04:42 AM)tyFlow Wrote: I've updated the v1.0055 download zip to include a new build of tyFlow_2022.dlo that lowers the max SIMD level to exclude AVX512, which seemed to be what was causing your issue....

Can you try redownloading and see what happens?

That did it, thanks.

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