Need help with multi-cloth interactions (no cuda)
Hi all,

I've been loving experimenting with the free version of tyflow, not only is it all I need for static images, but I don't even have a cuda capable card, so I appreciate being able to experiment with it until I can upgrade.

While I have a pretty firm grasp on relatively basic cloth simulations, I'm having troubles emulating something like the image below, which would be made from multiple pieces of interacting cloth:

Basically draping multiple pieces of cloth over a collision object, but my issue is that the "cloths" only interact with the collision object and not with each-other.

Simulation time isn't really an issue, just looking for any help :)

thanks again for the incredible plugin!
Have you looked at the official example scenes that show how to use the Particle Physics operator? That’s what you would use if you don’t have CUDA or tyFlow PRO.
(08-25-2022, 02:47 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Have you looked at the official example scenes that show how to use the Particle Physics operator? That’s what you would use if you don’t have CUDA or tyFlow PRO.

Oh boy, don't I feel stupid, I didn't even check the example scenes and kept searching for tutorials.  I'll have a look through them now, thanks for the suggestion, the 'clothselfcollisions' file looks like it'll be helpful Smile
Well, thank you for the help, but it seems like without my future planned upgrades, something like the image linked just isn't possible with particle physics, the sheets of paper are just too close together/detailed to get something similar, but thanks again for the suggestion, it will certainly help in the future Smile
There is a video about halfway down this page which might provide some insight if anybody has any ideas:

At the moment I'm trying with 10-15 planes and using a turbulence force, which gets somewhat close, but I can't figure out how to get those more "curvy" internal shapes.

Thanks for any ideas all.
You can do similar things with Particle'll just need to use very high resolution meshes so that the vertex collisions will be more accurate (for example, this was made using Particle Physics: But really the CUDA solver is what this type of thing is made can try an old beta version of tyFlow which has CUDA enabled to test it out. Download instructions for the beta are here:
Oh wow, thanks for the inspiration. Unfortunately I'm on an old, passive AMD card, so CUDA is something I can only dream of at the moment, but considering the capabilities you showed me using only particle physics, I'm assuming that it's just my own incompetence that is preventing me from achieving the results I'm looking for Smile

Back to the drawing board.
Well, I'm certainly getting closer to something that I can use for this project, so thank you again for the help, but it's still quite 'messy' and I'm resorting to picking frames where there aren't too many overlaps, but it still isn't as organic as I'd like.

I'm attaching a scene file as well as an image if anybody could have some tips for what I'm doing wrong (aside from having a 10+ year old graphic card).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.max   test.max (Size: 5.18 MB / Downloads: 174)

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