I found two issues using TySelect with Additive selections as instanced modifier on several objects.
1. When reopening the scene the Baking selection runs through every object using this instanced modifier (In my case 3 times) which took several minutes.
2. Even with TyFlow Pro this Baking is only done single threaded as the license check will be done after opening the scene completely.
I hope this is clear so far. I cannot send you the file as it is a commercial work with customer data.
I found two issues using TySelect with Additive selections as instanced modifier on several objects.
1. When reopening the scene the Baking selection runs through every object using this instanced modifier (In my case 3 times) which took several minutes.
2. Even with TyFlow Pro this Baking is only done single threaded as the license check will be done after opening the scene completely.
I hope this is clear so far. I cannot send you the file as it is a commercial work with customer data.