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PhysX Collision Inter-Particle Collisions Test - Printable Version

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PhysX Collision Inter-Particle Collisions Test - AndyMurdock - 05-31-2021

I'm trying to figure out how to test for a  Inter-Particle Collision from two different events.

Event A has a sphere of PhysX particles binding to each to create a bouncy ball.

Event B is shooting PhysX particles at Event A

In event A I place a PhysX Collision Inter-Particle Collisions Test and I want to send out Event A particles only when they collide with Event B Particles and not with each other.

I can't seem to find the logic with all the tests to make this happen.

It would be great If I could test for each inter particle collision to see if there was a custom prop value assigned.

Anyone have any ideas?


RE: PhysX Collision Inter-Particle Collisions Test - tyFlow - 06-01-2021

In this case, using a Particle Groups operator is the most efficient way.

If you want Event A to send out when colliding with Event B, set particles groups in event A to [1] and particle groups in event B to [1,2] (overlapping, so they collide with each other, but different so they can be differentiated in the test).

Then in your PhysX Collision operator in Event A, set the group condition to [equals 1,2]...that way the test condition will be met only when a particle in A collides with a particle in B.

RE: PhysX Collision Inter-Particle Collisions Test - AndyMurdock - 06-01-2021

That's it thanks.
I had that all set up exactly except for the Equal option in the PhysX Collision Sim Group.


RE: PhysX Collision Inter-Particle Collisions Test - zhangqingcheng - 06-15-2021

There must be the same group between the interacting particles.In addition, more groups need to be added for the judgment of the operator, which should be the meaning.