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Particle Physics within in "different events" distortion - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Particle Physics within in "different events" distortion (/thread-2943.html)

Particle Physics within in "different events" distortion - Alexx31 - 02-19-2022


once again at the topic:
If actors are born in different events and I'm unchecking "process only this event", they get distorted.

I played with all settings, didn't find a reason...

Thanks for help


RE: Particle Physics within in "different events" distortion - tyFlow - 02-19-2022

If you uncheck that, then the operator will affect the (18) rig particles in your first event. You don't want that Smile

RE: Particle Physics within in "different events" distortion - Alexx31 - 02-19-2022

Okay, that makes sense!
So if I would set all particles in the flow right in the next event after their actor birth to one simulation group or export group, it should actually work, if I filter by that… I will try out.