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cloth bind - Printable Version

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cloth bind - rheogh - 06-18-2023

in the cloth bind operator

In what situations is convert cloth to shape mesh used?

RE: cloth bind - tyFlow - 06-27-2023

If you have an existing dynamic cloth simulation, and at a certain frame you want to convert it to a static mesh for use elsewhere in your flow, you would use that option.

RE: cloth bind - rheogh - 06-28-2023

Okay, thank you, Tyson

RE: cloth bind - rheogh - 07-22-2023

I thought there was no movement because it was converted to static mesh, but when I added the force operator, there was a movement

What is a static mesh?

RE: cloth bind - tyFlow - 07-22-2023

The mesh is static but if you add a force then the particle the static mesh is attached to will move.

RE: cloth bind - rheogh - 07-22-2023

What is the dynamic mesh static mesh difference??

Doesn't mesh normally not move if it doesn't get force?

Dynamic mesh? I can't imagine