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Particles Looking at eachother - Printable Version

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Particles Looking at eachother - Rooooij3d - 05-07-2024

Hi, just a quick question ( probably) 
Im trying to get a sort of piston rig going - with two events looking at eachother. 

For event 1 -  I set the target to proximity and filter the particles by simulation group < - this works fine. 
For event 2 - I try to do the same thing but that doesnt work, I guess this has to do with event evaluation priority ? 

Is there a workaround or better way to do this ?

RE: Particles Looking at eachother - tyFlow - 05-13-2024

Both particles must exist prior to entering the Set Target event in order for them both to receive a valid target. Also make sure your various operators (ex: Rotation) are referencing the correct target channel.

See attached.