how to make a bead necklace?
Guess it depends on how programmatic you want to make it. Simplest solution would just be to use a Script operator to birth the bead particles one by one, moving them along the spline based on their radius vs their neighbors radius. I would start at the largest (center) bead and work outwards on either side...that way it would be easiest to control the number of beads as well as their changes in size compared to the center bead.

There's not a default operator for this type of exact configuration though.

Messages In This Thread
how to make a bead necklace? - by DARKS - 06-22-2023, 06:47 PM
RE: how to make a bead necklace? - by tyFlow - 06-27-2023, 07:22 PM
RE: how to make a bead necklace? - by DARKS - 07-13-2023, 01:54 PM

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