tyMultiFracture Paint Mode Bug
I think there is a bug with the PAINT MODE and the canvas position. (the Modifier)

I took a brick wall, painted strokes, canvas positioned perfect. I then broke that section out into separate element to work on. Went back in and put the modifier on again to draw a new stroke on the smaller segment. The canvas was offset from the object. There doesn't seem to be any way to move the canvas gizmo. I tried moving the object I was working on, but the canvas moved relative to it.


Messages In This Thread
tyMultiFracture Paint Mode Bug - by rjanders0003 - 05-03-2024, 05:13 AM
RE: tyMultiFracture Paint Mode Bug - by tyFlow - 05-03-2024, 03:12 PM
RE: tyMultiFracture Paint Mode Bug - by tyFlow - 05-03-2024, 05:07 PM

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