tyFlow v1.119
tyFlow 1.119 is up!



* added tyVAT modifier for exporting Vertex Animation Textures in various formats (see docs for more info)
* added Optimize operator for optimizing particle meshes
* added tyOptimize modifier, which is currently a simple wrapper for 3ds Max's ProOptimizer modifier, but doesn't require users to press "calculate" in order to optimize a mesh (optimization happens immediately/automatically without the need for manual UI interaction first)
* added Sort operator, for sorting particles in an event by a custom property value
* added CoACD convex hull decomposition mode to Convex Hull operator
* added spline convex decomposition mode to tyConvexHull modifier
* added vert/face normals option to Surface Test normals test
* added "order by material ID" mode and "sort faces by vertex order" option to tyVertexOrder modifier (for deterministic Max-to-Unity FBX submesh sorting)
* added "split elements" option to tySelect mesh selection mode, for controlling whether mesh elements will be split up prior to performing inside/outside test
* added option to remove mesh faces by material ID in Shape Remove operator
* added options to pre-delete matching objects by name/layer in Export Particles operator
* added option to close all subsplines in tySplines object
* added "invert" option for various relative-to-property parameter blocks, to invert result of relative multiplier
* added "UVW values" selection mode to tySelect modifier, for selecting vertices based on baked mapping values in a mesh
* added search mode options to Property Test binding search mode
* added transform direction unification settings to Rotation operator's oriented bounds settings
* added direction options to Point Force operator
* Spline Paths operator create new spline paths button functionality now exposed to MXS
* Export Particles operator has a "visibility to zero" option now, for animating the visibility of objects when their corresponding particle dies (rather than scaling them to zero)
* added explicit normal alignment support to Rotation operator
* Modify Bindings and PhysX Modify operators now have more advanced interpolation settings
* adding culling options to tyMultifracture modifier plane rollout, for culling fracture planes based on whether or not they intersect a gizmo bounding box
* added custom float interpolation mode to operator interpolation dropdowns
* added noise sample source options to Speed operator
* added "outwards from neighbors" and "outwards from event particles" mode to Speed operator direction parameters
* improved stability of sticky penetrations and made "split compound colliders" optional within the PhysX Shape operator (see docs for more info)
* added Script operator timing rollout option to evaluate after PhysX step
* added Z-position sorting methods to PhysX Bind operator, for binding to highest/lowest particles in radius
* added new boolean (true/false) test value options to Property Test operator
* added sort by ID option to Export Particles objects mode, for exporting objects in the order of their birth
* added loop/variation settings to Birth Spline operator's spline offset settings
* added "NewParticles(int count)" function to Script operator, which is much faster than calling "NewParticle()" repeatedly for large numbers of new particles
* added "custom TMs" location mode to Multifracture operator's planar fracture location dropdown
* added "last N particles" and "particles before last N" mode to Split operator


* improved reliability of mesh convex hull algorithm
* fixed an issue where the Birth Flow/Flow Update operators were not preserving explicit normals of meshes imported from a legacy particle interface
* Array operator's circular array mode will now prevent coincident first/last particle generation
* fixed a rare crash that could occur when using noise curves in a multifracture operation
* fixed an issue where the Script operator could fail to retrieve certain properties from meshless objects
* fixed an issue where the Weld operator wasn't respecting particle pivot offsets
* Limiter velocity limits no longer clamped to max/min of 0
* fixed some issues with the "relative to property" settings of the PhysX operator and Mass operator
* fixed the "relative to property - invert" algorithm (it was not producing correct inversions relative to the min/max range)
* PhysX bind breaking must now be explicitly enabled in the PhysX Modify operator in order to modify break thresholds
* fixed an issue where the inherit velocity parameters of the Position Object operator weren't working properly in pivot scatter modes
* fixed an issue where the closest-point mode of the Position Object operator wasn't respecting the surface offset settings
* fixed an issue where selecting events with non-default evaluation orders could cause a flow to reset
* fixed an issue where selecting multiple non-instanced tyFlow objects/modifiers and then changing a setting that causes their rollups to be regenerated would lead to a crash
* fixed an issue where if an operator was instanced using SHIFT+ALT, the next non-instance copy created by only holding SHIFT may still instance it
* fixed an issue where the Birth Splines operator wasn't properly inheriting spline material IDs in some scatter modes
* Cluster operator seed now affects overall LDNP distribution
* fixed an issue where the Export Particles operator (in object export mode) would not set keys on the last export frame if subframe keyframes were enabled
* fixed an issue where the Birth Objects operator would not properly track input object transforms if "inherit object geometry" was disabled
* tyDiffusion image lists now have options to move images left/right in list in image right-click menus
* fixed an issue where tyCaches might not transfer particles through their interface if frame clamping is enabled and the start/end frame are the same
* fixed an issue where some operators may continue to display their internal data after simulation refresh even if the flow is modified to exclude them from evaluation
* fixed an issue where tyCaches would not properly display the explicit normals of their meshes if their transform was rotated
* fixed an issue which could lead the Particle Physics operator to freeze depending on selections made within its simulation group settings
* fixed an issue where an input object in a Birth Paint operator could mistakenly cause a flow to continually reset
* fixed a rare crash that could occur if PhysX reports an error inside a mesh construction thread
* set tyDiffusion numpy version requirement to 1.26.4, which should hopefully alleviate errors some users were running into during install
* fixed an issue that could cause a crash if splittable constraints are torn in a thread
* fixed some issues related to script-accessible mesh handling in the Script operator
* fixed an issue where the tyMultifracture modifier wouldn't paint slice strokes properly if the target object was rotated
* fixed some issues related to how tyFlow's internal mesh class computes its accelerated data structures in threads, which could previously lead to crashes in certain situations
* all custom property types (float/vector/tm) will now be cached by default
* fixed an issue where the Multifracture edge fracture algorithm was improperly slicing along degenerate faces
* fixed an issue where objects referencing a tyCache (ex: tyMesher) wouldn't update properly when the tyCache was cleared

Messages In This Thread
tyFlow v1.119 - by tyFlow - 11-08-2024, 08:27 PM

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