Getting Poly ID into the tyflow cache
Hi there,

I have poly ID 1 defined for my basic collision objects which I understand leaves poly ID 2 for the internal surfaces of the fracture.  I have a multi-sub material applied to the mesh objects.
In Tyflow I have the inherit object geometry ticked and in the instance mtl override I have Inherit from object turned on also.

I export the particles as a tycache and when I do a test render mesh object doesn't have the material applied and the internal fractures do not have a material either.

When I ran it through Phoenix and used the cache as a source and set it to material 2 you can see the smoke is not being emitted from the fracture surfaces.

I have no doubt I am just missing something obvious but I am not sure how to get the ID over to the cache to render and leverage phoenix correctly.


Messages In This Thread
Getting Poly ID into the tyflow cache - by stevenls - 08-14-2021, 01:20 AM

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