pool setup
Mass is how energy passes from one particle to another... With PhysX, sometimes you need to make a little extreme numbers to see the result.
Example: white ball have a mass of 100, while other balls have a mass of 0,01
That means whole balls would affect (push), much stronger then the other balls will be able to push white (if they are able at all with this values).
Above video showcases how mass works...
Keep in mind, mass has nothing to do with gravity, it's just with how much force particles will push each other. 

Not sure about your other questions, as it's hard for me to imagine the motion of the balls with just a screenshot.

Messages In This Thread
pool setup - by joe_coke - 11-18-2021, 01:04 PM
RE: pool setup - by d4rk3lf - 11-18-2021, 03:17 PM
RE: pool setup - by joe_coke - 11-18-2021, 03:59 PM

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