Ease in and Ease out for values, please!
I know the keyframing, but is honestly not a good solution, it should be integrated without having to jump:

It would need one small button, which when activated opens a field for the number of frames.
- "ease in" and ease out: if you type e.g. "20"  in the "ease in" field it means it gets the value from 0 within 20 frames.
If you would go one step further 3 buttons for 3 curve types: "linear", "curve bend upwards" and "curve bend downwards".
This would be a cool solution, makes it possible within 5 seconds to set up and to check the value.

I can never see the values in the interface, if something is keyed.
And in Max, all keyframes are also "relative". I had several times, where I change only one value and all values were messed up.
For "native" Maya users the Max animation graph is a nightmare...Wink

Another advantage is:
Ease in and Ease out are independent from the value, which you can change any time!
You can work as always in tyflow, test different values within a second, no keying, hazzle with the bad curve editor.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ease in and Ease out for values, please! - by Alexx31 - 03-02-2022, 01:18 PM

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