TyFlow Cache / Birth Fluid Performance
Maybe i got this wrong, but when i export my simulation as Tyflow Cache, of course it run`s smoothly without any calculation time. When i create a Birth Flow and a Flow Update Operator to bring the Simulation back into Tyflow (without any further operators), it seems like Tyflow calculates every frame as if i it has to recalculate all the events before the cache. Is this supposed to be right or should the Birth Flow - Update Flow combination run as smooth as the TyCache Animation?
If it really has to recalculate everything, what would be the advantaage of caching one tyflow and bring into a new one (for example caching out the big chunks and bring it back in for secondary debris) instead of doinf it all in one tyflow "window"?

Thanks in advance & Kind Regards
I don't really understand the problem you're having. What do you mean by "recalculate everything"?

Birth Flow/Flow Update have to load in the cache data, yes, but they're not recalculating the sim that the cache was saved from. They're just loading the cache data from disk.

The advantage is that for most sims, simply loading from disk is faster than recomputing the original sim.

However, if your secondary flow is resetting its sim continually and not retaining its own cache, that's a separate issue. You'll have to elaborate if that's the problem you're having.

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