Visual Help File with Screen Grabs and Question
Hello Tyson

1st let me say I stumbled across TyFlow by accident a week ago, and I am totally stunned by both the quality and current state of this work in progress.

I live in a remote area, not such good internet (north NH) so I wanted to download the help documentation, I know you have great detailed online help. Anyway I started making my own visual PDF with index and lots of screen grabs, using your text of course and your format, just added lots of screen grabs. Its just how I prefer to work with visual help. I have a little while to go before I finish it - lol - lots of operators.

As I got to the Array / Branch and couple more operators I noticed they had no help info for the top tabs - they seem common "filter" and "timing" rollouts - I think there was one third item in the next few operators - is it by design, there is no help for these rollouts at this stage ? or is that still a work in progress

Also - its only at the 55 page completion, lots more work - but I have attached my work in progress on the help file, see if you approve or ?? I will finish it for me, but thought something like this might be helpful to others.

Thanks for this great work of yours, i hope you take it to completion

edit: i just remembered the third operator element I saw with no help - the Grow operator has "filters" / "timing" and in addition a "test action rollout" with no mention in the help - regards rob

EDIT - 5/6/20 - I am getting close to finishing this visual help - so i removed the attachment - only 15 operators and couple other things to go - its looking awesome

Attached Files
.pdf   TyFlow Offline Help in Progress May 5 2020.pdf (Size: 1.01 MB / Downloads: 1,132)
Just wanna say, thank you for making this bro. Smile
It would be also cool adding some short video clips representing different values for friction, various binding options.. etc.
If I manage to do some short tests that are very clear, I'll definitely post them in this thread.
(and I encourage everyone to do the same).

Cheers Smile
(05-02-2020, 09:24 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Just wanna say, thank you for making this bro. Smile
It would be also cool adding some short video clips representing different values for friction, various binding options.. etc.
If I manage to do some short tests that are very clear, I'll definitely post them in this thread.
(and I encourage everyone to do the same).

Cheers Smile


Working on getting it completed - but a lot of operators - I am about half way through them

Hey Rob,

Unfortunately the static site builder I use for the documentation (Hugo) does not have a "compile for offline" option....a decent chunk of people have asked for offline docs over the last year but I just don't have the time or energy to adapt or re-write the current docs for offline viewing so they've been out of luck. it's very generous of you to compile such a file!

The help files for the "common" tabs (timing, filters, test, keyframes, etc) are on the main Operators page here:

Anyways, I'd suggest posting a link to your compilation on the Facebook tyFlow Group as well, as you'll get lots of eyes on it there too Smile
(05-05-2020, 06:50 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hey Rob,

Unfortunately the static site builder I use for the documentation (Hugo) does not have a "compile for offline" option....a decent chunk of people have asked for offline docs over the last year but I just don't have the time or energy to adapt or re-write the current docs for offline viewing so they've been out of luck. it's very generous of you to compile such a file!

The help files for the "common" tabs (timing, filters, test, keyframes, etc) are on the main Operators page here:

Anyways, I'd suggest posting a link to your compilation on the Facebook tyFlow Group as well, as you'll get lots of eyes on it there too Smile

G'Day Mate

I have sat down for days (over a week now) I know this is not your priority - I have honored all your layout designs etc .... I have made what I think is a wonderful offline help file with tons of screen grabbs - quick link front page with image mapped links to all operators - I am up to page 250 and only 16 operators to go.

If you want - when I am done, you can have my original word file if this is helpful in future - its been a lot of work - but I just wanted to contribute - I should have it finished soon (a few days)


Update 5/6/20

this is the front pageĀ  (attached) - it has what I have done so far - working hard to complete it - maybe 3 to 5 days

its in PDF format - with index and hyperlinked fron page - tested and working awesome in Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Edge


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(05-02-2020, 09:24 PM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Just wanna say, thank you for making this bro. Smile
It would be also cool adding some short video clips representing different values for friction, various binding options.. etc.
If I manage to do some short tests that are very clear, I'll definitely post them in this thread.
(and I encourage everyone to do the same).

Cheers Smile

There is a ne thread by me with the completed PDF attached


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