Glowing Dancefloor Tiles? Surface Test and Mat ID's
Hi tyflow community,

i'm trying hard since days to create a setup to control floor tiles material id via custom properties and other approaches.
Yet without any great success ;-( Any hints ot tips are greatly appreciated.

I would like to have floor made out of different tiles (plane -> tyFaceFracture).
Via surface test or tyselect a control object (sphere or wehatever) should control/change the tile material when touched and it should lighten up.

My try right now is to use a multimaterial with 5 vray materials in it. So i have 5 different mat id's.
So the area should have a little falloff (ID 1 White in the middle to ID5 dark to the outside) to have five steps of falloff and not be seamless like with the gradient ramp. (Examined the uvwgradient example already)
I'm struggling to wire custom properties to i.e. material id. Should be possible, seems so always Dodgy

Thanks in advance!
I would still suggest using a Gradient Ramp for this task. If you don't want linear interpolations between colors, you can switch the gradient blending mode to "solid", for a stepped look.
Hi! and thanks for the fast reply.
Yeah your right, indeed i was starting with that too but then got a bit addicted to the idea of mat id's Tongue 
In the meantime i was able to solve it somehow. So no claims that i did in any smart way. I was just happy the system worked out as i wanted it to be.

Nonetheless if anyone is interested in and also the fact that i really don't like scrubbing through forums with only questions raised and no anwers posted when the problem is solved, i'll try to do it better.

In the Attachment is a screenshot of the flow and also the file.
Have fun and many thanks to tyson for that awesome tool!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip (Size: 65.54 KB / Downloads: 185)

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