I would like to improve my dangerous half-knowledge regarding Cloth.
I am now quite new to this topic and it is a different system than standard mesh objects (or what you would call them).
ATM I understood:
- Cloth is "particles", which means all the red operators.
- It seems not to be affected by "default gravity" (at least in one of my first tests)
- It is not colliding with other standard particles (except other cloth or what is added with a collision operator)
- Voronoi and fracturing have no effect (found out only today)
- it needs CUDA solver in Tyflow and in cloth bind operator enabled
Is there for beginners a simple overview, which explains the basic rules?
(The Tyflow documentation is listing everything in detail, but I did not see a chapter about how in general these systems are working together and which is compatible with which)
Fracturing/tearing of cloth:
I noted, that tySlice is made to tear cloth. is there also a procedural fracturing possible, similar to voronoi?
Or would I convert back from cloth to mesh, then fracture, then convert again to cloth? Or is this all made with tearing (Bind break I guess)
I would like to improve my dangerous half-knowledge regarding Cloth.
I am now quite new to this topic and it is a different system than standard mesh objects (or what you would call them).
ATM I understood:
- Cloth is "particles", which means all the red operators.
- It seems not to be affected by "default gravity" (at least in one of my first tests)
- It is not colliding with other standard particles (except other cloth or what is added with a collision operator)
- Voronoi and fracturing have no effect (found out only today)
- it needs CUDA solver in Tyflow and in cloth bind operator enabled
Is there for beginners a simple overview, which explains the basic rules?
(The Tyflow documentation is listing everything in detail, but I did not see a chapter about how in general these systems are working together and which is compatible with which)
Fracturing/tearing of cloth:
I noted, that tySlice is made to tear cloth. is there also a procedural fracturing possible, similar to voronoi?
Or would I convert back from cloth to mesh, then fracture, then convert again to cloth? Or is this all made with tearing (Bind break I guess)