3ds Max crash with CUDA
I have tried to solve it on my own and with the help of some users of the facebook group, but I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or just tyflow is failing me because of something I don't know. I am trying to simulate something simple, petals falling on a moving cloth, when I activate cuda on the petals and it approaches to collide with the cloth, 3ds max closes sending the typical message. I'm going to leave the scene uploaded here with the cuda activated, to see if it also closes for you or not. I have a 2080 ti and a 980ti. Thank you very much for the help

Attached Files
.max   Flower Falling05.max (Size: 7.24 MB / Downloads: 320)
If an actual crash-to-desktop is occurring, please submit the minidump as outlined here:

Actually, I was able to reproduce the issue for this file and it should be fixed in the next build Smile
(03-13-2021, 02:40 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Actually, I was able to reproduce the issue for this file and it should be fixed in the next build Smile

Woooow, thanks a lot!!! Is it a problem that only happens to me? was going to do the minidump, do I need to do it?
Yes in this case the minidump is not necessary...now that the bug is fixed I can simulate your scene all the way through.

The update should be going up sometime this weekend.
Thank you very much, I will approve
That new build is up, by the way. Let me know if your scene stops crashing Smile
(03-13-2021, 10:24 PM)tyFlow Wrote: That new build is up, by the way. Let me know if your scene stops crashing Smile

Good morning, I'm Antonio Palacios, I sent you on facebook in the comments of the latest Tyflow update, the message that launched maxscript of the CUDA error, if you need anything else let me know. Thanks a lot
Hi Antonio,

It seems that even though the bug was fixed, you're still running into issues with CUDA 11.2 experienced by some people, that is not related to a tyFlow issue, but instead GPU driver issues. Try reverting to tyFlow v0.16109 as described here:


Make sure you install both the older tyFlow version and the older CUDA DLLs.
(03-15-2021, 02:47 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hi Antonio,

It seems that even though the bug was fixed, you're still running into issues with CUDA 11.2 experienced by some people, that is not related to a tyFlow issue, but instead GPU driver issues. Try reverting to tyFlow v0.16109 as described here:


Make sure you install both the older tyFlow version and the older CUDA DLLs.

Hi Tyson,

I have installed the version of tyflow that you have recommended and the cuda DLL, 3ds max closes. I'm sending you a screenshot of the error in case that helps you.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Nope, that doesn't help Smile

Please read through this:


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