Trying to change color on mesh object using particles
I am trying to change color on mesh object using particles and V-Ray Distance Texture map. For example, I have mesh object with black color in diffuse map. Using Composite map I add VRayDistanceTex map where I want to select TyFlow particles to adjust color in the map depending on the distance tyFlow particles to the mesh object. Closer particles will add white color to the mesh original black color. I spawn simple sphere particles and use tyMesher to convert tyFlow to mesh to be able to use it in VRayDistanceTexture map. The problem is that I cannot add tyMesher to VRayDistanceTexture map. I receive message that adding tyMesher object to VRayDistanceTexture map creates dependency. I have found workaround to export tyFlow particles to Alembic object and use it in VRayDistanceTexture map instead tyFlow or TyMesher. The problem is that Alembic file is huge, 22 GBytes.  And I need many of them.
Can someone point me to the right direction how to use tyFlow particles to adjust color on target mesh, please? I think there might be a better solution than I have now.
I've answered you already on Tyflow Facebook group, but I'll copy-paste my answer here, if someone have similar problem: Smile
Why it would create dependency if you are not using that object for particles?
I did quick test now with Tymesher and Particles (yes, you can make particles regular mesh if you add mesh operator, and untick "render only" (no need for caching, or alembic export)).
And it's working perfectly.
However, if you using that mesh object for particles (for spawning, or whatever), and you create dependency that way, you can just simply clone your object, and use first version for Tyflow, and second version for material and render.
(05-06-2021, 07:43 AM)d4rk3lf Wrote: I've answered you already on Tyflow Facebook group, but I'll copy-paste my answer here, if someone have similar problem: Smile
Why it would create dependency if you are not using that object for particles?
I did quick test now with Tymesher and Particles (yes, you can make particles regular mesh if you add mesh operator, and untick "render only" (no need for caching, or alembic export)).
And it's working perfectly.
However, if you using that mesh object for particles (for spawning, or whatever), and you create dependency that way, you can just simply clone your object, and use first version for Tyflow, and second version for material and render.

Thank you for your answer. I still cannot make it working. I have added Mesh operator to tyFlow. But when I try to add tyFlow to VRayDistanceTex I have error message - Can't make a Circular Reference. Could you share your test file, please?
P.S. I use tyFlow version 016117.
Working perfectly here.
Attaching you simple scene... just hit render 

Again, did you use your object in any way in Tyflow (that could explain dependence error).
If so, don't overcomplicate with caching Tyflow, and other stuff, just clone your object, and use it like this:
1) Object A - used only within Tyflow (non - rendrable)
2) Object B (clone of A), use it for render, and apply that Vray mat with distance texture shader.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 124.58 KB / Downloads: 204)
(05-06-2021, 09:41 AM)d4rk3lf Wrote: Working perfectly here.
Attaching you simple scene... just hit render 

Again, did you use your object in any way in Tyflow (that could explain dependence error).
If so, don't overcomplicate with caching Tyflow, and other stuff, just clone your object, and use it like this:
1) Object A - used only within Tyflow (non - rendrable)
2) Object B (clone of A), use it for render, and apply that Vray mat with distance texture shader.

Thank you for your file. Your file confirmed that this is possible and I tried to solve my setup. I made a copy of my current tyFlow and I was able to add new tyFlow to VRayDistanceTex map. The original tyFlow is still not working. It looks like if mesh object was used in tyFlow once and even if I delete operator where it was used this tyFlow is already marked as not allowed to use anymore. I could say this is a tyFlow bug. I will send a message to Tyson.
Just as a note, the issue Viper described in the post before this should be fixed in v0.16118.
(05-10-2021, 02:38 AM)tyFlow Wrote: Just as a note, the issue Viper described in the post before this should be fixed in v0.16118.

Thank you!

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