Chains break too easy
Just used the example: "tyFlow_chainLinks_001" to build a necklace for an animated character.
My issue now is that it breaks too easily even without animation running, only static collision. Also when running animation it happens to not collide with the object, too.

Tried couple of things, but always ended up with iteration increase. How to solve these problems?
If needed i can upload the modified scene, but basically i just changed scale of chains.
Hard to visualize the problem with no video/images to show what you mean, but pos. iterations in the PhysX settings rollout generally need to be quite high to properly maintain strong binds.
(07-15-2021, 02:22 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Hard to visualize the problem with no video/images to show what you mean, but pos. iterations in the PhysX settings rollout generally need to be quite high to properly maintain strong binds.

Alright here is the scene. The animation is saved in the point cache.

Attached Files
.rar   Necklace.rar (Size: 2.06 MB / Downloads: 272)
So can you tell me, is this possible or is there another approach necessary?
Sorry, didn't have a chance to look at this until now.

The main issue here is using a PhysX Collision operator in Mesh mode for your deforming's not your fault, that's the option that seems most appropriate, but unfortunately the PhysX library doesn't handle fast-moving mesh-based colliders very well. It's better to replace your collision surface with convex hulls which deform along with it, and the easiest way is to extract each face as a separate hull.

I've attached a file showing how to do it...and you'll see, the chain no longer falls through the mesh or breaks apart, etc.

Attached Files
.max   tyFlow_chainLinks_002.max (Size: 1.26 MB / Downloads: 274)
Thank you for the file. That solution is also faster on my machine. But i encountered another problem, sadly.
The nacklace wasnt supposed to be this short, so i made it longer and ended up with the chain breaking apart, again. Also increased Pos Iterations to max, but while animation keeps going it still breaks apart at some...
Collisions are perfect, only need to solve this breaking issue. What else can be done to prevent this?
Can you post the updated scene so that I can take a look?
(07-20-2021, 05:02 PM)tyFlow Wrote: Can you post the updated scene so that I can take a look?

Here you go

Attached Files
.rar   Necklace.rar (Size: 1.41 MB / Downloads: 242)
I can't load your file because I don't have the retopology modifier installed (so the point cache won't load), but either way, you likely just need to reduce the time step of your sim. Try 1/4 or 1/8 and go from there.
Here is the scene without retopology.
Sorry couldnt understand what you meant by reducing time step of my simulation. Do you mean the fps in the timeline configuration? Yes its quite high to perform better simulation results for the animation. But reducing it will prevent the chains from breaking apart?

Attached Files
.rar   Necklace.rar (Size: 1.23 MB / Downloads: 269)
No, the timestep of your tyFlow in the main settings.
(07-21-2021, 04:37 PM)tyFlow Wrote: No, the timestep of your tyFlow in the main settings.

Alright i think i got it now and it works like a charm. Thank you very much!
Couple questions, is this the only approach to simulate chains with high velocity animations? Or the most efficient, fast etc.?
What else should be considered to avoid the chain to break except high iterations. Like avoiding small collision shapes of the actor
Also what courses would you suggest to get into Tyflow? Is RedefineFx a good choice?

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