Getting Poly ID into the tyflow cache
Hi there,

I have poly ID 1 defined for my basic collision objects which I understand leaves poly ID 2 for the internal surfaces of the fracture.  I have a multi-sub material applied to the mesh objects.
In Tyflow I have the inherit object geometry ticked and in the instance mtl override I have Inherit from object turned on also.

I export the particles as a tycache and when I do a test render mesh object doesn't have the material applied and the internal fractures do not have a material either.

When I ran it through Phoenix and used the cache as a source and set it to material 2 you can see the smoke is not being emitted from the fracture surfaces.

I have no doubt I am just missing something obvious but I am not sure how to get the ID over to the cache to render and leverage phoenix correctly.

The cap ID settings are in the Voronoi Fracture operator...first thing to check would be making sure you've set the cap ID to 2 in there.
Thanks mate, that was what I made a mess of.

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