Surfacetest softselection
is it possible to get a softseltion with surfacetest?
I want to inflate some parts of a cloth object, but want softer sections with the surfacetest.
This isn't really possible in an active sim, no. Particle are either simulated with the cloth solver, or not simulated with the cloth solver (which you can control with a Particle Switch). I know it's possible to do that using something like the Cloth modifier...and technically you could blend between a full sim and the original mesh using modifiers, but it requires a somewhat complex setup.
Hey Ty.
What if you add (if possible) an option for slow operator that we can control it with map (for example, gradient ramp)?
Alright. Thanks.
@d4rk3lf Thanks, i will try that!
You can't try it, because it doesn't exist. Smile
I was only asking Tyson, if it would be easy to implement that in the future.
If we could have slow operator controlled with map, and in the same event with cloth op, then I guess we could do gradually stiffness.
Maybe putting a time test with variation between the surface test and the particle switch could „soften“ the activation of the particles for inflation.
Maybe i am doing something wrong.
But i often get the problem, that the border at the deactivated cloth-particles are stretched.
I played around with stretch, solversettings and timesteps.


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Are you sure you're de-activating the particles there? What you're seeing is the typical result of Object-Binding particles without de-activating them.
Sorry, for the late answer.
In this case the particles are bind with object- bind to an animated geo. There is an animated geo with a skin modifier which drives the deactivated particle.

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