Rendering TyFlow with deadline
Been doing some tyflow render testing on our farm, and was failing to render as long as I had any tyflow-object in the scene.

However, after configuring Deadline to pick up plugins from a network folder, it does work - the basic functionality anyway. Cuda-collisions does not work, the particles act as they not are configured as CUDA, but still render.

Anyone know how to fix this?

The CUDA-files are located in the same folder as tyflow.dlo.

The -.ini file that spesifies plugins for deadline use looks as follows;



I'm assuming that I need to specify cuda-files in the same manner as I did with tyflow, but I have no idea of how to call them, the deadline log doesn't give me any errors. (for example, before I added "tyIcon" to the list, I would get an error saying "tyIcon missing").

Any pointers woud be much appreciated.
Not sure why it's not picking up the DLLs...but that aside, there are very few situations where it's a good idea to do a network render without caching all your geo first. Especially with the CCCS - which is not guaranteed to be deterministic across machines (no two machines are guaranteed to produce exactly the same result). I would recommend caching to tyCache before rendering anything, and by doing so you'll also avoid all of these DLL issues at the same time.

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