The 'weld' operator cannot weld vertices

I got a message from a friend that the "weld" operator cannot weld broken vertices. I've also tested it myself. There is a problem that I can't weld vertices. I'm not sure this friend sent you an email if you didn't receive a similar report. Then I'm a backup here

thank you
Hi cgdvs,

Could you be more specific about what you mean? For example, I tried just now on a teapot (Birth Objects > Teapot > Weld operator) and the weld completed successfully.
this is test file

I'm not sure I have misunderstandings or operational errors.
Ah, I see.

The Weld operator only affects the vertices of the shape mesh of a particle. It does not cross-weld shapes together. If you want to attach shapes together and weld their verts, first use an Element Attach operator to convert multiple particles into a single particle, and then you can use the Weld operator to weld those disconnected faces together.
Ha ha, I think the open edges of the mesh can be welded automatically, okay. I see. It seems that I misunderstood. thank you
Hey guys,
i was facing the same confusion but the forum too good)
Just wanted to suggest, to add this information to the documentation site of the weld operator Wink

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