Slight Change to Birth Objects Operator

It would be very useful if there was an option to birth the objects in the object list over a given number of frames. Currently if the 'particle birth end' is enabled all the objects in the list are birthed every frame in the range. So basically, if I have 20 objects in the list and I set the frame range to 20, I would like only one particle to be created each frame.

Obviously if there is a work around to do this I'd be interested to know.

Hey Dan, the workaround is pretty simple...Birth everything at once with a Birth Objects operator as normal, then use a Split operator (timing: continuous) to send particles out to your next event at a rate of 1 particle per frame. Then just only display those sent out particles to achieve the same result.
Thank you, that works exactly as I wanted.

I'm just trying to get a handle on how the order the particles are released relates to the order of the objects in the Birth Object operator list. Is there a relationship or is it randomized?
I believe it should be ordered, top to bottom. You can check the resulting birth IDs with a Display Data operator to confirm...
They are certainly created in order in the first event but in a list of 14 I'm getting ID12, ID11, ID3, ID9, ID4, ID7, ID2, ID13, ID0, ID6, ID1, ID5, ID8, ID10 when per frame was set to 0.1 and 9, 2, 6, 3, 13, 0, 10, 1, 11, 4, 7, 12, 5, 8 when set to 1.
Ah, you know the split operator itself is probably randomizing the order. Try using 'first N' mode set to 1, timing still continuous.
Thanks again for your suggestion but I couldn't get what I wanted from the split operator.

However I have found a solution. By using the property test operator with the test type set to Birth ID and animating the test value over frame range. I can release the particales in the order they appear in the birth objects operator.

The only slightly painful part was that I had to clear the cache every time I made a change in the track view.

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